Two Dough Girls™

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Lessons Learnt ...and Relearnt

Some stuff we already left behind before the new calendar year:

Some people don’t have a good side for you to get on. And, you will live. Discount codes and kissing tail won’t change the fact that some folk are just mean-spirited, insecure and confused. That’s an internal struggle… meaning it has JACK to do with you. Instead of allowing that to shake your self-image, take note that your cool ideas, positive energy and amazing work ethic may pose as some kind of threat to those types. Don’t let the game change you! There’s nothing better to do than to keep doing you.

If you have an opportunity to make things right, take it. We’ve had some flubs in our entrepreneurial career, you know, being human and all. And although we have disappointed a customer and ourselves, fixing it to the best of our capacity warrants a clear conscience and some uncomfortable growth.

Just to drive the last point home: Reputation. Over. Everything. Running a young business is not easy as you wear every hat ever made from clerical assistant to manager to customer service rep, which can make a single day a 24hr rollercoaster!

Besides some of the stuff you already know, doing good business means knowing when to apologize, knowing when to shut up and recognizing where you need to do better. (Psst! That last part is how you stay in the game!) In a “cancel culture” with screen shots and reviews and insta-posts and receipts and tea flying at you from every which way, it can be like walking a tightrope in a waist trainer and vinyl pumps trying to avoid any criticism; that is impossible. Appearing perfect, always being “on” and attempting to please everyone is not cute. Nor is it the goal. We know we are not the first or best to ever do it (yeeettt… we are because we have never done it! ha!), but we have new buyers and repeat customers because of a good reputation. And a good reputation is kinda like tooth enamel: once it’s gone, there’s no getting it back.

And lastly, faith without works is dead.


As 2019 comes to a close, I think most of us become reflective on the shifts that impacted the last 12 months. No matter how good or not so good your year was, know that you have the power to do better and ultimately be your best.

We’re wishing you the most amazing year of your life!

