Two Dough Girls™

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French Toast Your Croissants

I enjoy French toast of all sorts over here⏤from brioche to challah to plain white bread, but French toasting croissants was a new idea for me. Just like many other things at Sam’s Club, you can get a buttload of croissants for about $6. So if you love an easy, sweet and delicious breakfast recipe, read on!


  • 6 croissants, cut in half the long way

  • 1 cup of milk or half + half

  • 2 large eggs

  • 1 teaspoon vanilla extract

  • 1 teaspoon cinnamon (optional, cardamom is amazing too!)

  • butter


  1. In a medium-large bowl, whisk milk, eggs, extract (and cinnamon).

  2. Add a pad of butter to a large, warm skillet or griddle over medium heat.

  3. Using tongs or your hands, dip each slice of croissant into the milk mixture, making sure all sides are coated and cranes. Repeat for next slice and the next. You should be able to fit 3-4 slices in your pan at a time.

  4. Cook each side for about 2-3mins. Like French toast made with regular bread, the egg coating will start to cook and brown and the butter will “disappear”.

  5. For each new batch, add a pad of butter to the skillet or griddle. Repeat dipping, coating and panning until all slices are cooked to your liking.

P.S. You can add parchment to a baking sheet to keep cooked toast warm in the oven until your family wakes up.

I made a blueberry “syrup” to top my croissant French toast; in a small saucepan, I simply used a potato masher to squish fresh berries. I let them cook down a bit (3-5mins) over medium heat. Lowering heat to low-medium, add in syrup. (I guesstimated how much my family would use, but you can store it in an airtight container if you make more than necessary.) Stirring lightly, I let syrup cook just long enough to warm through. Remove from heat and add blueberry extract. Add this to the top of your toast and mmmm mmm! Enjoy!
